It’s official. The 12th Annual Northeast PEZ Collectors Gathering will be held April 8, 9, 10 2010 at the Sheraton Stamford Hotel in Stamford Connecticut. (different hotel than this year) After a month of talking with several hotels, we found one that fits our needs and is reasonably priced. That’s the good news.
The bad news is this year our group booked less hotel rooms than we contracted for. So we have to adjust our group room block numbers which made getting a contract difficult. Everything is based on the rooms we book in the hotel. The more rooms we book, the more they want us. Less rooms we book, the harder it is and the more everything costs. So, in order to continue hosting the convention we have to make some adjustments. Hopefully it will work, but we need your help.
Our Saturday show has always been very well attended. All of our dealers talk about how busy the show is. For those that don’t know, it’s held in a big ballroom and we get at least 500 people coming through the doors. After talking with several dealers and giving it careful thought we will be opening up the Saturday show to include other candy collectibles and we will give the Saturday show another name. We are doing this to hopefully draw more people to the hotel, which should boost room bookings and hopefully help us continue hosting this convention for another ten years! The first time we do this, it may be confusing but I know it’s going to work.
Here is where we need your help. The Saturday show will be called the “Northeast Candy Collector Expo” (which will be held in conjunction with the Northeast PEZ Collectors Gathering) and will be open to all candy collectibles. Knowing the way our attendance/promotions have been for just the PEZ show, this “new” show will be packed. If you know anyone (collector or dealer) that might be interested please give them the information. If you go to you can print our flyer to pass around. Please bring the flyers to shows or your local candy stores to hand out. This is the only show of its kind. It will be big. More information can be found on our web site at . We have several blogs, Twitter pages, Facebook pages that can be found on our web site too.
Don’t forget, the Northeast PEZ Collectors Gathering will be held April 8-10 2010 and information for the PEZ convention can be found at The Saturday Public Show will have a name of it’s own (Northeast Candy Collector Expo) which should make it appeal to a larger audience. It can’t hurt. Please help us spread the word……
PCN on Social Web sites
While talking about social sites, if you belong to any of them please add us. You can go to and please be our friend!
Pezhead University
We gave out 500 diplomas at the Northeast PEZ Convention from To find out more about P.U and where he next “off campus’ class will be check out and attend your first class in Pezology 101. Got some fun videos from the NE PEZ convention there.
PEZ Pins
Where do I start? Our web site has been updated and the web store was also updated. It’s now much easier to find stuff at the web store. The “Collectors Guide to PEZ PINZ” has been updated to include the new/future releases-it can be found at . The Monsters, PEZ n Pets and the Circus pins and all Pin Sets are now discontinued or sold out.
Our new “PEZ dispenser” pins will be available starting on May 25th. These pins are really cool looking and are limited to only 139 made. They look just like PEZ dispensers. The PEZ PINZ mail order form on the web site has been updated to include the new release pins, but they will not be shipping until after May 25th. You can print up the form and send in now. They will also be available in the next issue of PCN which is due out around the end of May.
ATTN: Reserved Pin number holders! There is a special gold glitter pin on the form that is available only to our current reserved pin holders in good standing. It’s a special pin, at a special price just to say thank you for supporting PEZ PINZ for 2 years. (only 40 pins holders on current list) Also, one rare color variation pin was packaged in the first 40 pins. For this release of pins, only 5 color variation pins of each pin style were made. For example, one rare variation of Bubbleman (red glitter stem) was made. One was randomly packaged in the first 40 pins and only 5 will be sold on eBay. Enjoy!
Any questions, just ask….