Sunday, January 28, 2018

Ari's PEZ Birthday surprises packages!

Thank you to those that sent Ari PEZ packages for his birthday. 
To find out more/see our update and see his Mom's letter,

check out our blog at

Thank you....

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

PEZ Swag Swap @ NEPEZ Convention

The swag swap is coming to our convention! This is a great way to show off your Pez creativity while swapping and adding awesome homemade and fun items to your collection!
For those who are participating in the Swag Swap, here are a few reminders on how it works:
-Items should be designed by you. We want to see your creativity! Candy packs, pins, buttons, postcards, business cards, stickers, patches... whatever item you make!
-Participant buttons will feature the swag swap logo, and will be available from Brian Jaskolski. Wearing the button throughout the convention signals to other participants that you have swag to swap. Just find another person wearing the button, introduce yourself, and swap your swag for one of theirs.
-Please no buying and selling of your items. This is meant to be a fun way to trade and get cool new items for your collection, and meet new people!
-If you are not participating, feel free to watch and see what people have designed! But please do not ask participants for swag if you have not made anything. It's only fair 🙂
-After the convention I encourage you to post pictures online showing what you made and what you got. Show off all your swag!

Monday, January 1, 2018

Flashback Dispenser 2018 Chick in Egg

Check it out- this is ONE of our 2018 NEPEZCON Flashback dispensers!  This is our 2018 Convention Chick in Egg dispenser.  More information is on our registration forms at