Friday, March 9, 2012

NE PEZ Convention/Bus Trip details posted!

The Northeast PEZ Collectors Gathering is just a little over a month away. The “Bus Assignments” and details are now posted to our web site at If you are “registered” for the Bus Trip to the PEZ Visitors Center please make sure you read ALL of the important details. The bus assignments can not be changed.

If you missed signing up the bus, do not miss out on the convention. You can still register for the “Northeast PEZ Collectors Gathering” and do all of the convention events. Then you can check out the PEZ Visitors Center on your own. The visitors center will be open Monday – Saturday April 16-21 from 10am-6pm and on Sunday April 22nd 12-5pm. Just do not plan on visiting on Friday April 20th between 10am-3pm. For more info check out our web site

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi there, Hoping you can spread the word and get Pez Peeps to vote @
To ensure PEZ defeats KIT KAT!